Nimbus Club USA News
Best-of-Show Goes To Mark Christoffersen’s 1926 Nimbus Model A Stovepipe!

2009 Huntington Beach Concours Winners
Best-of-Show Motorcycle and First Place Concours Class Pre WWII go to Mark Christoffersen’s 1926 Nimbus Model A Stovepipe.
In the Sidecar Concours Class Post WWII, Leif Gyldstrand’s 1949 Postal Nimbus received 1st Place, with 2nd Place going to Ib Madsen’s 1938 and 3rd Place went to John Gyldstrand’s 1948.
Jens Bak Jensen’s 1950 Nimbus received 1st Place Sidecar Street Class Post WWII.
In the Street Class of Solo Nimbuses, David Nelson’s 1942 Nimbus was awarded 1st place, Niels Christensen’s 1953 received 2nd Place and David Jensen’s 1954 Nimbus was awarded 3rd place. Congratulations to all!
Let us know if your Nimbus has won any awards!
Nimbus - The Prince of Danmark
The Nimbus is a fascinating mixture of eccentricities, but with bulletproof reliability, if it’s treated kindly...
Nimbus owners join a pretty exclusive club in the U.S.; fewer than 100 of the 14,215 manufactured have made it over here. The good news, however, is that two-thirds of Nimbuses made still exist worldwide, and about 4,500 are currently licensed. Factory manuals and 95% of spare parts are available through Internet suppliers—there are five Nimbus dealers in Denmark—though some 1930s electrical parts can be expensive.
So what do you get? The Nimbus is a fascinating mixture of eccentricities, but with bulletproof reliability if it’s treated kindly, according to Nimbus expert Allan Kløve Nyborg. Nyborg edits the Nimbus Tidende magazine for the 1,915 members of the largest association.
Nimbus was launched in 1919 by Fisker & Nielsen, which began manufacturing electric motors in 1906 and switched to vacuum cleaners in 1910. Peder Fisker thought he could improve on the 4-cylinder Belgian FN, and his son Anders followed in his footsteps. Their ideas were creative and simple—the strip-steel frame was riveted, so pieces could be replaced, and even the handlebars were made of boxed plate. Nimbus developed telescopic forks in 1933 and introduced hydraulic damping in 1939. Read More Here.
Published by Sports Car Market under the heading "Bike Buys" by Paul Duchene
2008 Huntington Beach Concours
Top Honors go to Nimbus!
Leif Gyldstrand’s 1949 Postal Nimbus received 2nd Place in the Concours Class Post WWII. David Jensen’s 1954 Nimbus was awarded 1st place in the Street Class Post WWII and Kaj Pedersen’s 1949 Nimbus with ACAP sidecar received 2008 2nd Place Street Class Post WWII. Let us know if your Nimbus has won any awards!